adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
Welders using have adroit hands because they know where each piece of metal should go.
amicable-(of relations between people) having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement or rancor.
I would consider myself an amicable person.
averse- having a strong dislike of or opposition to something
When they put the nose ring in my steer I felt averse.
belligerent- hostile and aggressive
When you mess with a dog they can usually get belligerent.
benevolent- well meaning and kindly
I loved the way that teacher spoke, in a very benevolent way.
cursory- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
I didn't like how my floral arrangement was so cursory.
duplicity- deceitfulness; double-dealing
My money was worth duplicity the second time through.
extol- praise enthusiastically
When I hear music I love I extol it.
feasible- possible to do easily or conveniently
Playing and reading music is feasible to me.
grimace- an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement
The girl did a grimace expression when she smashed her finger with the door.
holocaust- destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war
I remember learning about the holocaust last year in Modern World History.
impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
The pipe was impervious because it had a hole.
impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
I would consider my legs impetus.
jeopardy- danger of loss, harm, or failure
During the summer it was a jeopardy that if I would or would not show my steer at fair.
meticulous- showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise
My friend is a meticulous worker.
nostalgia- a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations
I felt a strong rush of nostalgia as I thought back to my elementary days.
quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
Babies are the quintessence of purity.
retrogress- go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
An addict can sometimes retrogress to its former stage.
scrutinize- examine or inspect closely and thoroughly
I just had to scrutinize that milk fat, it's a dairy girl problem.
tepid- (especially of a liquid) only slightly warm; lukewarm
The milk was quite tepid.
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