Tuesday, April 25, 2017


  • My big question was and still is, "What happens after we die? Is there such thing as heaven or hell?" I'm really curious to know if what I have heard is really true. I know they say if you believe it then it's actually true, which I do believe that there is such thing as heaven and hell, even purgatory.
  • One thing I did over break to explore my question is when I went to church, which was like around 4 times, I paid really close attention to everything there. When I was there it was different than other times I have gone. I started to picture everything in my head and made a whole scene about it. I also paid really close attention to the readings and gospel during mass, not that I don't pay attention when I go but yeah, you get my point.
  • something I learned by exploring over break was that when you really pay close attention to something you always wonder about or are curious to know, you might think of things that you might have never thought of before. Life can be interesting sometimes.
  • A connection I see between what we've read in this course is that from the books we've read, at least one character has to die. So, I always wonder, where do they go? I know they're just imaginary characters but I still have the curiosity to know where they went.
  • What am I doing next? Hmmmmm...... I don't really know at the moment. Maybe............... get deeper into my big question and go further in to exploring.

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