Wednesday, April 26, 2017

2014 AP Prompt Essay

              When we hear the word “education,” what do we think about? We obviously think about school, either if it’s elementary, middle school, high school, or college. Going to school means us getting an education and learning new things. Most of the time, we don’t see the point of attending school or that it’s beneficial. Yes, school can be boring sometimes but we must know that we can get far in life with a higher education. Getting an education shouldn’t be taken by granted, since many people, especially children, around the world don’t have the opportunity to attend a school. Education plays an important role in our everyday lives. Due to the education, they provide us, we can get far in live and determine our future. Just keep in mind that education, no matter the level, is very important and beneficial.

                Thinking about college and everything that must do with it, we sometimes think first about money wise. Paying for college can be very stressful which is why many college students get a job during the summer or while they’re going to school. A research mentions how college student’s unemployment has increased throughout the years. Many jobs prefer a fulltime worker than a part-time worker, like a college student, which is why they unemployed them. Getting unemployed and not having money to pay for college is not an excuse for students not to attend school. Yes, it might be expensive, but all that will pay off at the end. Due to the expenses, we sometimes wonder if a college education is worth the cost. At times, we might say that it isn’t worth the cost but as we grow wiser and get more informed about that field we can say that college is definitely worth the cost. A higher education helps us develop in many ways that will benefit us. For example, source B mentions, “Being ready on DAY ONE, may have sounded nice on the campaign trail, but being able to draw on one’s education over a lifetime is much more practical (and precious). Post-secondary education should help students to discover what they love to do, to get better at it, and to develop the ability to continue learning so that they become agents of change—not victims of it.” A higher education comes in handy and can be useful later in our lives, either by helping develop our own character, skills, potentials, abilities and many more.

                College doesn’t always have to be about money and taking out loans to pay off your education. Many of us love education and don’t mind anything about it, which helps us to not worry much about what surrounds it. Like I mentioned before, education doesn’t have to only be about money, we can use it to make ourselves happy and distract us in a way. We come to think about money wise when we know what major we’re going to study. The cost of your high education depends on what major we want to study and the amount of time. Getting a higher can education doesn’t always have to affect us in a negative way, it can also affect us in a positive way. For example, source d mentions, “A new study even shows that a bachelor’s degree pays off for jobs that don’t require one: secretaries, plumbers and cashiers. And, beyond money, education seems to make people happier and healthier.” We live an experience that not many people can. In other words, everything we do in life is worth it.

                Not doing something and not taking the challenge is the easy way out to this situation. College is not only expensive but it’s also a challenge that not everyone can deal with. Keeping up with that level of education can be very hard to handle and keep up with. It’s a challenge that can change our lives for good and bad. But, we don’t always have to look at it that way, it’s an opportunity and/or challenge that can make an impact in our lives and make us better and more responsible people. When working in that level of high education, we can feel the pressure mostly every day, due to the following: homework, time-management, tests/exams, midterms and most importantly, our grades. Working under that type of pressure we sometimes don’t perform at our best, and tend to lack here and there. For example, source E mentions, “- But Thiel is convinced that the social pressure for students to pursue “lower-risk trajectories” in their career choices will lead to less innovation in the future.” In reference of the source, I can agree with it. Working under pressure isn’t easy and pleasant, it can overpower us and bring us down. Education can affect us, positively and negatively, we choose which one we want by our actions.

                In conclusion, a higher education is very worth it, even though it might seem like a challenge to deal with it for quite a long time. It might be a little pricey, but just in mind that it will pay off at the end when you have everything you have at the moment in that point of your life. An education doesn’t always have to be about learning math, science, historical details and all those classes they make you take, rather it’s more like you developing into a new person with better goals and challenges. We can grow out of comfort zone and become more of confident and self-developed person. So, in my own opinion, I do say that a higher education is worth the cost and that it prepares students for more than just a job or career.  

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